Mankuk Consulting & Services


They seek to enhance the paleontological tourist value of the El Culebrón park and wetland

The Ministry of Housing and Urban Planning is working on the pre-feasibility of the “Cuenca El Culebrón Paleontological Park” and will invest more than $200 million in the design of a mitigation area in the wetland. For its part, the municipality is already taking protective measures to give value to this green lung of Coquimbo.

Working on the pre-feasibility of the project to develop a design that seeks to recover the El Culebrón Park in Coquimbo is the Housing and Urban Planning Department. The objective is to rescue this green lung that, every day, is threatened by the presence of people who are going to eliminate garbage, burn grasslands, increased crime, illegal settlements, bird hunting and the entry of private cistern trucks that are going to extract water. to the Wetland.

Project features

The objective of Minvu, which works together with the Coquimba municipality and citizen groups such as “Defensores del Parque”, is to build a public space that allows recreation and also enhances and preserves the paleontological legacy of the sector. All this in the area that borders Avenida Portugal in the town of San Juan de Coquimbo. There are more than 56 hectares, in which there are already soccer fields, a sports club, the San Juan electrical substation, the municipal kennel run by CEAPA, private land, clean points and in addition, the Cuenca El park itself is already located. Soap opera in a state of almost abandonment.

As there are no reports regarding the paleontological richness of this place, it was decided to begin this process using as a basis two studies started a couple of years ago. The first of them is the “Coquimbo Culebrón Wetland and Park Baseline Study” carried out by MANKUK Consulting & Services S.A. The second is the Preliminary Project called “El Culebrón Paleo-Ecological Park” carried out by SUBDERE and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), within the framework of Emerging Cities.

Among the main works considered by this project are infrastructure works such as a building for the Site Museum, 4 Access pavilions, a BMX and Mountain Bike Circuit, implementation of cycle paths, parking lots, pedestrian paths and construction of a vehicular service road. The park will also have a perimeter closure, implementation of railings, seats, benches, children's games, exercise machines, shades, picnic area, public lighting, grass, planting of native tree species and the implementation of an irrigation system.

Thus, in January 2018, the design formulation for this park was entered into the Investment System, which was technically objected by the Ministry of Social Development and work is already underway on its reformulation.

Source: Diario el Día

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Mario Cortés

Business Development Manager

Mario Cortés is an Industrial Civil Engineer from Universidad de los Andes. He has more than 10 years of experience leading and developing commercial and project areas in the mining sector in national and international companies.

Mario has participated in important equipment supply projects for large-scale mining companies and has managed manufacture contracts, showing an outstanding strategic capacity, managing business risks and focused on the comprehensive progress of projects, areas and companies in which he has participated, focused on personal relationships and customer compliance. Currently Mario is a Business Development Manager, responsible of opening new markets and looking for synergies with other national and international companies in products and services.

Alexander von Frey

Managing Partner

Alexander is a co-founding partner of Mankuk. A civil engineer from Universidad de Chile. He has more than 16 years of experience leading environmental consultancy projects for the private industry and state-owned enterprises, in areas such as mining and energy.

Alexander has led countless projects related to archaeological management, environmental impact studies and statements, processing of sectorial permits, and engineering projects associated with sanitation, irrigation, and hydraulic projects. Alexander’s great leadership capacity allows him to deliver technical, environmental, and managerial solutions for the development of the projects entrusted to him, bringing great energy to the team. Today, Alexander plays a fundamental role as partner and managing director of Mankuk, providing direct support to clients throughout the different stages of project development.

Marta Aguilera

Senior Project Manager

Marta is a Lawyer from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and holds a Master's degree in Environmental Law from the Rovira i Virgili University. She has 10 years of experience in consultancy projects and legal advice in environmental matters.

Her areas of expertise include environmental, corporate, and real estate issues, serving sectors such as energy, industry, and mining, among others. Marta stands out for her leadership, management, and supervision of her teams, which enables the successful achievement of proposed objectives.

Loreto Rojas

Senior Project Manager

A geographer from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, with a broad experience in territorial planning, environmental assessment, and geographic information systems. She has actively participated in leading, coordinating, and supervising complex hydrology projects, fire assessment, environmental impact statements, and processing of sectorial permits for private and public organizations.

Her great charisma, optimism, and enthusiasm make Loreto a key member when it comes to overcoming the challenges, we face every day.

Miguel Burgos

Senior Project Manager

Miguel is an environmental engineer and holds a master degree in environmental sciences from Universidad Santiago de Chile. He has more than fourteen years of experience in participating, leading, coordinating, and supervising sanitation and environmental projects, permits processing, and issues related to highly complex projects in the areas of waste of all kinds, regulatory compliance control, and environmental rating solutions. Miguel is a professional who stands out for his commitment and excellent relationship with his clients and the entire Mankuk team which, combined with his professional qualifications, make him a key member for us.

Mauricio Compagnon

Managing Partner

Mauricio is an industrial civil engineer from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. He is a co-founding partner of Mankuk, with over 15 years of experience in consulting and developing environmental services for large-scale mining, energy and transportation projects, among other industries. Mauricio has a comprehensive and detailed perspective of the environmental requirements that capital investment projects are forced to comply with. His expertise and skills allow him to make accurate recommendations in the precise moment.

Currently, Mauricio has a key role in the administration and commercial management areas of Mankuk. He leads work teams dedicated to the study of bids and preparation of proposals. He participates directly as Consulting Manager for the different projects of the company.